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AI clothing photography / AI fashion photography

Since 2024, AI technologies have been taking the product and fashion photography market by storm. We are one of the first in Poland to introduce this type of photography service to our offer. Clients who opt for this type of service can expect up to 70% savings on a traditional photo shoot.

 The service we offer, apart from a lower price, is no different from the client's perspective. We receive a parcel with your collection of clothes, the photographer takes ‘ghost’ photos taken on an invisible mannequin, and then generates photos of the fashion session (the so-called lookbook) on their basis, presenting the clothes on virtual AI models.

Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik
Fotografia odzieży AI i zdjęcia modowe AI Snapshot Studio Rybnik

AI apparel photography is a type of photography that focuses on presenting clothing and accessories in a way that appeals to potential Customers. It is often used in advertising, marketing and sales to capture the attention of potential Consumers and encourage them to purchase products. The AI aspect, in turn, allows for great savings.

AI is a rapidly evolving technology with changes occurring every month. Therefore, we always offer a free order verification for the feasibility by AI technology of all products ordered by the customer before the service is provided. This includes aspects of the order such as the exact reproduction of the product in the AI photograph, AI model requirements, AI background requirements and, classically, requirements for consistency with the overall collection, characterised by high quality and excellent colour reproduction.


Clothing photography can include a variety of shots, such as catalogue images, photography on a model or mannequin, detail and accessory photography and abstract or contextual background photography. AI nowadays makes it possible to take into account elements of photography such as: using the right light to bring out the details and textures of the fabric or getting the colours right. Such photos are an important part of the fashion and apparel industry. They allow companies to present their products in an attractive way, attract the attention of customers and increase sales.

Also, when generating garment photography by AI, it is important to apply appropriate image processing techniques such as retouching, colour correction, removing imperfections, adjusting contrast and colour saturation to get the best possible result.

Our team, in the area of AI, focuses on the professional generation of images of clothes presented on models. Below is a full list of the services we provide using various AI tools:

  • Photographs of clothes presented on AI models - the main service, most popular with our AI pool clients - described above;
  • Embedding AI models (presenting the Client's clothes) in any outdoor location - this service is still in the testing phase, however, willing Clients, we are able to present samples. What is more, the cost of an ‘AI in the open air’ session is only minimally different from a session of the same product in the framework of a ‘clothing photos presented on AI models’ session.
  • Lumps on AI backgrounds - a service completely separate from the previous two, which includes the presentation, so called ‘inpainting’ of any product, being a lump (e.g. a tube of ketchup, a bottle of wine, a screwdriver, a box of cosmetics - but not: clothing) on any AI background, including: an AI-generated table, lawn, etc. 
  • Generating advertising photographs without specific products and clothing presented in the photograph - the next and final AI service is the generation of advertising photographs that do not contain the specific products requested by the client. As adding a product to a photograph is the hardest (and most expensive) part of the service, this is the cheapest of the above services.

We are a team of professional photographers who specialise in creating high quality product photography, including apparel photography.  To get started, please fill out a short form where we ask you to provide us with basic information about your project, such as the type of garment, number of products and your preferred shoot.

Based on this information, we can accurately estimate the time and cost of your photo shoot and give you recommendations and recommendations to achieve the best result. Our services include full photography including background preparation, lighting, product editing and photo retouching and processing.  We can assure you that our apparel photography is done with the utmost care and detail, so you can present your products in a way that attracts attention and enhances their appeal.  If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us. We are ready to work and help you present your garments in the best possible light.

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