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Aerial photography / / photos from the drone

Professional aerial photography in high resolution of 42.4 Mpix! Our motto is the highest quality of photography while maintaining the highest safety standards. We have a wide range of drones and photographic equipment, thanks to which we are able to realise even the most demanding photo shoots.

Presenting objects from a bird's eye view makes an incredible impression, we encourage You to take a look at our realisations in the portfolio :)

Our team is certified as UAVO BVLOS operators by the Civil Aviation Office, thanks to which we can successfully carry out commercial flights. Feel free to contact us!
Zdjęcia Dron- Pałacyk, SnapShot-Studio, Rybnik
Zdjęcia Dron- Jezioro , SnapShot-Studio, Rybnik
Zdjęcia Dron- Noc, SnapShot-Studio, Rybnik
Zdjęcia Dron- Jesień, SnapShot-Studio, Rybnik

Drone photography is a type of photography from the air, using an unmanned aerial vehicle, specifically a drone. Drones are equipped with cameras or video cameras that allow them to take photos or videos from different angles, including from above.  

Drone photography is used in many fields such as landscape photography, architectural photography, sports photography, advertising photography and even scientific research. It allows unique perspectives and seeing a place from a completely new angle, which can often lead to the discovery of new elements or hidden details.

 However, it requires special skills and technical knowledge, including knowledge of aviation legislation and control of the drone and camera. Safety and observation are very important when photographing from a drone, as drones can pose a danger to people and other aircraft. The photographer must follow aviation rules and ensure safety at the location where the photos are taken. 

This is a relatively new field that is rapidly gaining popularity due to cheaper and more readily available drones and advances in camera technology. As a result, many people can try their hand at aerial photography and benefit from professional photography services provided by experts. 

It can help to see and understand complex structures and systems that are difficult to see from the ground. There are many advantages to drone photography, which make this area of photography increasingly popular. 

Here are some of these benefits:

  • Aerial perspective - One of the main advantages of drone photography is the ability to shoot from a completely new aerial perspective. This allows for interesting and unique shots that are difficult to obtain from the ground. 
  • Speed and ease of filming - Drones are easy to use and allow you to shoot from different angles quickly and efficiently. This can make drone photography relatively quick and efficient. 
  • High-quality images - Many drones are equipped with high-quality cameras that produce high-resolution, detailed and sharp images. 
  • Ability to photograph in hard-to-reach areas - Drones can reach hard-to-reach areas from the ground, such as tall buildings, cliffs, mountains, etc. 
  • Versatility - Drone photography can be used in many fields such as architecture, tourism, advertising, science, extreme sports and more.  
  • Cost - Compared to traditional aerial photography methods, drone photography can be relatively inexpensive or even free for amateurs. 
  • Environmental protection - When drones are used to monitor and study the environment, drone photography allows information to be collected without disturbing the ecosystem.  

The cost of drone photography can vary depending on several factors such as location, time and type of task. The price of a professional photography service can depend on the experience and skills of the photographer, the technique and software used and the complexity of the task. 

In the case of landscape photography, the price of a single shot can range from several hundred to several thousand zlotys, depending on the scope of the assignment and the number of images taken. The cost of architectural photography can be higher due to the specialised equipment and photographic techniques required. 

When it comes to drone photography for amateurs, the costs can be much lower as they do not have to pay for business management, equipment rental and other business-related costs. 

However, it is important to remember that drone photography requires special knowledge and skills, as well as compliance with regulations and safety requirements. 

In short, it can be said that the cost of drone photography can vary significantly depending on several factors, and with safety in mind, it is worth considering using a professional service as well as taking drone photography yourself.
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