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What is a Lifestyle Photo about? Find out from the article!


Lifestyle is associated with social status, the work we do, the clothes we wear, the possessions we own and the principles we live by every day. It is usually associated with the good parts of life that we all aspire to. Lifestyle photography attracts photographers who want to focus on high standards of living, fashion, advertising, family portraits, children's photography, and travel. These are not easy subjects - a lifestyle photo should be both realistic and attractive. There is a story behind each one, and in professional lifestyle photography it should have a happy ending.

What is lifestyle photography?

If you know the history of photography you know that the answer to this question is not simple. Some say that this type of photography involves capturing attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places. Others are sure that lifestyle photography should create an environment where people would like to be. Such a belief involves the use of models, lights, a large team of stylists and makeup artists, and organizing a photo shoot.

Types of lifestyle photography

As you enter the world of lifestyle photography, you should learn about the following types of photography:

Family photography. Usually refers to a family photo shoot in which candid lifestyle photos are mixed with family portraits. These are family photos that parents have commissioned as a keepsake for themselves and their loved ones. A family portrait shows the love, care and fun side of the family. It must be a symbol of it and present the current moment of the family's life.

Baby photography. This category includes photos of newborns, portraits of children and photos of them during activities. It is also a type of lifestyle photography, as well as a family photo shoot where children remain in the spotlight. For this type of photography you need a child-friendly space, lots of toys, props and lots of patience. Professional lifestyle photos of newborns are soft and sweet. To take really good photographs, you have to love it.

Commercial photography. People are attracted to the environment and lifestyle. It is widely used in advertising. In almost every fashion campaign for women, the surroundings are more important than women's poses. Fashion is no longer just about clothes. It's about how and where you wear them, and who sees you wearing them. Therefore, even fashion photography can be included in the vast field of lifestyle photography. Commercial photography also applies to urban lifestyle, interior design and travel photography. With it, you are buying a product as well as a mood and an opportunity to enhance your lifestyle. In commercial lifestyle photo shoots, the focus is not only on people, as in family photography. It is also about the environment, the background, the subjects and the overall atmosphere.

Travel photography. The lifestyle you live while traveling can win the hearts of viewers. The main task of a photographer is to take pictures of certain people in certain places, the spirit of which he wants to capture. Lifestyle travel photography makes the viewer feel the need to visit new places, to see how people live there. This type of photography requires considerable skill, but the result is worth it.

Urban photography. Urban lifestyle photography is about capturing natural moments. It's about finding beauty in the everyday and celebrating the little things that make up our lives. Whether it's lunch with friends or a stroll through the city, urban photography captures the essence of city life. So what makes this type of photo turn out perfect? First of all, it must be candid. There is no need to stage or force anything - the best shots will arise naturally. Second, it should reflect the character of the place. After all, the background and surroundings are as important as the people.

Lifestyle photography in marketing

Nowadays, consumers are bombarded with advertising messages from all sides. Most of them have become adept at detecting the inauthenticity of these messages. Therefore, marketers are finding new ways to cut through the overwhelming noise and reach consumers on a more personal level. There is no better way to do this than lifestyle photography, which allows you to:

  • show consumers in an authentic way what products or services can do for them,
  • to humanize the brand,
  • to present the product to customers in a context they understand. 

Example - instead of presenting a photo of a car on an isolated background, a lifestyle photo will show this car driving down a city street with a family inside. This will help potential customers see how the advertised car fits into their own lives.

In addition to their authenticity, lifestyle photos are also versatile. Images can be used in a wide variety of marketing materials - from banner ads and social media posts to print ads and email newsletters. And because lifestyle photography does a good job of convincing consumers, it's worth using in a variety of industries, such as fashion, beauty, food and travel. 

So if you're looking for a way to make your marketing campaigns more authentic and effective, consider using lifestyle photography, which can be the key to success.
Specjalista ds. marketingowo-handlowych
Specjalizuje się w działaniach marketingowych i handlowych. 
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