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How do good photos translate into product sales?

How do good photos translate into product sales?

The use of high-quality professional product photography in online stores is having an increasing impact on sales results. The prerequisite is that the photos are attractive and compelling to the audience. Why is this so important? Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. So there is no doubt that promoting products with high-quality, accurate and interesting images is crucial for viewers to make purchasing decisions. This consists of several factors, which we will discuss in our article.

The most important thing is the first impression

Many of us are well aware that first impressions are hugely important, whether we are going on a first date or a job interview. If you analyze a sequence of events, experiences or images from the past, you will probably find that you remember the first ones best. There is even a term in psychology for this phenomenon - the primal effect.

Qualitative consistency

A good quality product photo can not only create a positive first impression, but also encourage a potential customer to browse more pages on your site. If all product photos are of the same level, the second and third impressions will be just as strong as the first. More often than not, an online store has only one opportunity to retain a new visitor, and that first moment is crucial. Therefore, consistently maintaining high-quality images will greatly increase your chances of converting a casual viewer into a store customer. 

Visual appeal is the foundation of success

Most of us want to see a product before we consider buying it. This means we look at people's plates at restaurants to see how tasty and large their meals are before ordering from a waiter, or we stop in front of storefronts to see the latest clothing designs. Online shopping is no different. According to statistics, many consumers consider visual content a key factor in making a purchase.

Effectively selling reality

We live in a world where much of what we see or hear is, with the help of technology or marketing gimmicks, manipulated, unreliable or simply false. When it comes to online stores, customers expect a clear and accurate picture of what they will receive from you. They certainly don't want unpleasant surprises when they open the package. If your customer buys a product based on one of the photos, and after unpacking the package sees exactly what they saw online, they will not only be satisfied, but will also develop trust in you. 
Professional photography at a professional retailer 

A simple example of the truth of this statement is sports photography. Think of what a professional image of a sports match looks like and compare it with a photo taken by a casual fan from the stands of a stadium. The difference is colossal! The same applies to the photos you use to sell your goods: the more professional they are, the higher the rating of your company's professionalism and reliability. 

Getting to know the seller

Photos help create a brand identity, while allowing you to get to know your brand. It's amazing how many of your competitors still use boring stock images on their websites! What does this say about them? That they lack personality and are unable to use authentic images. This is certainly not the message any company would want to send to its prospective customer. Remember, too, that in today's online world, customers want to connect with brands on a deeper level, not just buy their products. As a result, they want to get to know you better as well.

Engagement that sells

Any e-commerce company that manages to engage social media users in its marketing campaigns from time to time is probably ahead of the game. Excellent, eye-catching photos lead to likes and shares. Published content generates more followers. All of this has a positive impact on traffic to your store, builds your brand and - ultimately - noticeably increases sales. 

Product photography - strength in diversity

If you want to stand out in the market with professional-quality photos, there are many different varieties of product photography available to you. Here are four types of photos that every online store vying to increase its sales needs: 

    - Lifestyle photography. Gives the customer an idea of how the product will affect their lives. Therefore, the photo should reflect the actual use of the product offered.
    - Studio photos. Provide clarity and are usually used on product pages and catalogs. It is impossible to hide the truth in simple shots - what you see in them is exactly what you get. 
  - Group photos. They help customers fully evaluate the features of products sold in variants, such as colors, sizes or finishes.
    - Flat lay. Flat lay is a photo of a product taken from above. These images are particularly popular for clothing and any small accessories. Such minimalist staging is effective in drawing the eye. 

Professional product photography tells the outside world about who you are. These photos are your chance to make a memorable impression. Product photography also gives you the opportunity to tell an authentic brand story. This is the best way to achieve e-commerce success.
Specjalista ds. marketingowo-handlowych
Specjalizuje się w działaniach marketingowych i handlowych. 
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