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Packshot pricing - what does the price of product photography depend on?

Every online shop owner knows how important good quality product photos are. Photographs that are unattractive, not very clear and do not highlight the advantages of an item simply - colloquially speaking - do not sell.

A customer who is about to decide to buy an item online is more than likely to choose an offer from a shop where the product photography is of a high standard. It is not uncommon for entrepreneurs selling their products via the Internet to be surprised that they have to pay a lot for product photos taken in a professional photo studio. What they often don't realise, however, is that it takes a huge amount of work to do a high-level shoot. It is the factors that affect the cost of a commercial photo shoot that the following text will discuss.

Pricing for packshot product photography - what does the price depend on?

Professional photography equipment:

In order to take good product photographs in the studio, the photographer should have excellent photographic equipment. This includes not only the camera and lenses (actually at least two cameras - in case one malfunctions during the shoot), but also lighting equipment, products necessary for proper exposure of the photographed items, set design elements and many other things that a photographic studio simply cannot lack. There is no doubt that the purchase of all this equipment is a huge expense, which the photographer must recoup in order to make his work simply worthwhile. Not infrequently, there are also the monthly costs of renting a room for the studio and other ordinary charges such as electricity, water, etc.

Sprzęt do fotografii produktowej - Snapshot Studio

Additional processing software:

It is never the case that a client who commissions a product shoot receives raw, unprocessed images. They still require solid graphic processing (post-production or in other words retouching) before being sent to the client. This, of course, requires dedicated computer programmes - usually at extra cost. Learning how to use them also requires time and often money from the photographer, so these costs also affect the final price list for services.

Type of photography:

The type of images is also important for the cost of commissioned product photography. Let us take apparel photos as an example. The most common types of photos promoting clothes are flatshot photos (photos of clothes on a flat surface), ghost photos on an invisible mannequin (photos of the product without a background / on a white / grey background) and those involving models. Naturally, the former and latter types are less costly, as they do not require any additional people to be involved to present the advertised garments. Also, photographing the garments themselves is somewhat easier, so that there is also no need to take a large number of pictures.

Type of product to be photographed:

Yes, yes! What is photographed also makes a difference to the final costing of the shoot. It is easy to realise this relationship if we use an example. Let's think - is it just as easy to take an attractive photo of a dress with a rich pattern and frills as it is, for example, of a jar of face cream. The answer is obvious. Products that are "difficult to photograph" require more effort and commitment when it comes to creating an attractive frame that presents them at their best, and more retouching.

Additional services:

Although simple packshot photography is minimally affected by this element, it is worth mentioning that it is not uncommon for additional services to be required in order to present the product in the best possible way. For example, professional ironing or preparation of products for photography. If an entrepreneur wishing to commission a fashion product shoot wants to save a bit on photographer's services, he should take care himself that the clothes arrive in the best possible condition - ironed and free of manufacturing defects. If the photos are taken on models, and additionally not in a studio, but in the open air, the costs of such a session automatically increase. It becomes necessary to hire stylists and make-up artists, and often also to pay additional fees for going on location, as well as to prepare appropriate image contracts. If the product requires assembly / additional work - this will also be included in the price of the shoot.

Licence fees:

In order to be able to freely use the photos uploaded by the photographer and use them as desired, the entrepreneur must expect to pay for the right to use the photos for commercial purposes in perpetuity (or term) (licence agreement). The licence may also transfer copyright in the images (additional cost) and the provisions of an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) 

The reputation of the photographer:

If we want good photos, we are unlikely to seek the offerings of amateurs. Professional photographers who boast an impressive and extensive portfolio will - naturally - rate themselves much higher than those who are just taking their first steps in the profession. It really is not worth saving on product photography. This investment will certainly pay off, as customers are simply more likely to buy things that are presented in an attractive way. This simple truth applies 100% to online sales.  

In summary, the factors that influence the final price of packshots (or other advertising images) are:

- Type of images
- Type of products
- Number of images
- Additional services ordered
- Product preparation
- Fields of use
- Licence fees

Take a look at our product photography portfolio and packshot price list. 
Założyciel, Fotograf, Retuszer, Grafik
Ponad 10 letnie doświadczenie w fotografii komercyjnej, retuszu komputerowym oraz projektowaniu. Pierwsza linia w kontakcie telefonicznym i mailowym. W pracy - perfekcjonistka pod każdym względem :)
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