Architectural and interior photography - can good images help sell/rent a property?
MichałThe property market is very extensive and demanding. Interest in renting or buying flats, commercial premises and other types of commercial and non-commercial space remains high. In order to stand out among other offers, it is therefore necessary to make the message attractive. Architectural photography is very important here.The enduring ...
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Business photography - why take care of your image and your brand?
MichałVisuelle Elemente sind aus der Sicht des modernen Marketings sehr wichtig. Wir leben in einer Bildkultur. Soziale Medien und Websites sind vollgepackt mit Fotos aller Art, und wenn diese nicht vorhanden sind oder nicht von hoher Qualität sind, wird das Interesse an einem bestimmten Profil, einer Dienstleistung oder einem Produkt ...
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Infographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!
MichałInfographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!Product photos on Amazon have to meet the conditions imposed by the service, and there are quite a few of them. Amazon's listing when it comes to photo content, however, was not created without reason. The publicity ...
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Copyright in advertising photography - What to keep in mind
MichałCopyright considerations in advertising photography primarily boil down to whether an advertising photograph can be identified as a work. Here, many doubts arise, such as whether a product photograph is creative or reproductive, whether it has artistic value or whether it is insufficiently noble from the point of view of ...
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Photography on Amazon - what you should know before adding an auction
MichałWe won't discover America if we say that product photos are of colossal importance in online sales, especially on auction sites such as Amazon, where competition is enormous. In order to increase the chances of potential customers seeing our product and becoming interested enough to read a detailed listing (and ...
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Snapshot Studio presents - 7 great photography services!
MichałAt Snapshot Studio, we have been providing professional photography tailored to the needs of modern business since 2014. Check out what exactly is included in the scope of our services and a brief description of each category! We invite you :) Product photography - packshot images The field of photography most often ...
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Good photos - what makes them sell products?
MichałProfessional product photos - the basis for effective product sales!As the popularity of online shopping continues to grow, so too does competition among online retailers. One of the more effective ways to secure customer interest is to properly display and promote products through professional photos.Why is product photography so important?It ...
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Product photography - packshot - Some basics
MichałPackshot - the basics you need to knowPackshot, or in other words a product photograph taken against a white background, is a rapidly growing field in product photography - and one that is readily used, above all, in online marketing. An attractive photo, highlighting the qualities of a particular product, ...
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Glossary of terms in the product and advertising photography studio
MichałIntroducing a glossary of terms - most commonly encountered in commercial and traditional photography in its broadest sense, and of course on our website :) We invite you to read it, comment and suggest new words that could be included! Glossary of terms in the product and advertising photography studio: Blips - spots ...
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Colour reproduction in product photography
MichałDue to the frequent emails regarding the 'perfect reproduction' of colours in photos, I have decided to address today a problem that is very difficult to solve. Unfortunately, a very common problem among Internet sellers (both Allegro sellers and those who have their own Internet shops), is the complaint of ...
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