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How to make a good photomontage / photomanipulation? What should I pay attention to?

How to make a good photomontage / photomanipulation? What should I pay attention to? The e-commerce market requires products to be presented in such a way as to encourage customers to buy a particular item. Product photography helps with this. In some cases, photomanipulation is required. Such a procedure is useful ...
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The role of product photography in online sales

The role of product photography in online salesNo one needs to be convinced of the power of the marketing potential of the World Wide Web. Selling products via the Internet is very profitable, as a very wide range of potential customers can be reached via the web, even those living ...
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Packshot pricing - what does the price of product photography depend on?

Every online shop owner knows how important good quality product photos are. Photographs that are unattractive, not very clear and do not highlight the advantages of an item simply - colloquially speaking - do not sell.A customer who is about to decide to buy an item online is more than ...
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Light in product and traditional photography

To say that light in photography is of great importance is like saying nothing at all. Used skilfully, it allows you not only to properly highlight the elements of a photograph that you want to particularly stand out, but also to build a mood, emphasise colours, textures and so on.Natural ...
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Is it worth moving from a desktop business to online?

Is it worth moving from a desktop business to online?   Nowadays, more and more entrepreneurs are deciding not to rent expensive office space altogether. By moving your business online, you can save a lot of money. The advertising of products and services is greatly facilitated by various tools.    Development of ...
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Product photography in the age of pandemic - How coronavirus is affecting E-commerce

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a great many changes in everyday life. It has changed how we work, how we rest, how we study and how we...shop. As very many stationary shops have temporarily closed, people have started to buy online en masse. It is not only clothes or shoes that ...
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Advertising images in arrangements - how to create the perfect composition and make your product stand out from the competition?

In advertising photography, excellent results can be achieved in many ways. In very many cases, packshot photos, which present only the advertised artefact, produce great results. A slightly more advanced type of advertising photo, used in larger-scale marketing activities, are advertising photos in arrangements. These are very appealing to potential ...
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Architectural and interior photography - can good images help sell/rent a property?

The property market is very extensive and demanding. Interest in renting or buying flats, commercial premises and other types of commercial and non-commercial space remains high. In order to stand out among other offers, it is therefore necessary to make the message attractive. Architectural photography is very important here.The enduring ...
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Business photography - why take care of your image and your brand?

Visuelle Elemente sind aus der Sicht des modernen Marketings sehr wichtig. Wir leben in einer Bildkultur. Soziale Medien und Websites sind vollgepackt mit Fotos aller Art, und wenn diese nicht vorhanden sind oder nicht von hoher Qualität sind, wird das Interesse an einem bestimmten Profil, einer Dienstleistung oder einem Produkt ...
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Infographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!

Infographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!Product photos on Amazon have to meet the conditions imposed by the service, and there are quite a few of them. Amazon's listing when it comes to photo content, however, was not created without reason. The publicity ...
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