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Snapshot Studio presents - 7 great photography services!

At Snapshot Studio, we have been providing professional photography tailored to the needs of modern business since 2014. Check out what exactly is included in the scope of our services and a brief description of each category! We invite you :) 

Product photography - packshot images 
Fotografia reklamowa kalendarz snapshot studio Katowice

The field of photography most often chosen by clients - it is a must for any website, auction or advertising newspaper. We have been taking product photos on a daily basis for over 6 years. During this time, we have already taken several thousand packshots, which have largely contributed to an increase in sales of our clients' products. We have already been trusted by over 500 companies from 4 different continents. When taking product photos, we take care of the highest quality of every detail. All colours are always correctly reproduced and every element is properly illuminated and attractively arranged. We have realised product sessions for electronic products, toys, furniture, household appliances, white goods, sports equipment and many others. Check out the reviews about us and our portfolio! 

Clothing photography - Garment photography

One of the most popular forms of presenting clothes in recent times are photos taken on a so-called invisible mannequin - that is, "ghost" type photos. Photographs taken on a mannequin are an excellent and cheaper alternative - to those taken on models (among other things, there is no cost associated with fees, image, recruitment, etc.)At Snapshot Studio, we have a wide selection of mannequins - female, male and children's. We have many years of experience in ghost type shoots. We have worked with brands such as BYTOM, MR GUGU & MISS GO and Ganja Mafia. 
Photography of clothing on an invisible mannequin in the economy version is available with us starting from 25 PLN / piece and the premium version from 45 PLN / photo. We invite clothing manufacturers, designers, online shop owners and sellers from popular auction portals such as Allegro, Amazon, Zalando or Ebay to cooperate with us!

Advertising photography - Individually arranged photographs

Fotografia reklamowa skarpety snapshot-studio polska

If you want to make your product stand out in the clutter of ubiquitous competition - it is worth presenting it in an unusual and unique way. At Snapshot Studio, we believe that every product may have an interesting story to tell, which builds an individual bond and falls in the memory for a long time. Drawing on vast layers of creativity - we build unique arrangements in which, of course - the main character is the client's product. Our studio is richly supplied with all kinds of design elements, backgrounds and accessories. We also create photo montages based on photos taken in the studio and stock backgrounds purchased. Please feel free to contact us for more information. Be sure to visit our portfolio! 

Fashion photography - Lookbooks, photos with models and models

Fotografia z modelem kuchnia snapshot-studio polska

By using the services of a professional model - you can significantly influence the attractiveness of a photo, which ultimately sells products. At Snapshot Studio, we take photos with models both in the studio (any background colour), outdoors and in a rented space (e.g. apartment, hotel, residence, etc.). In addition, we have an extensive database of models - both adults and children - with whom we constantly collaborate. During many sessions with models we have realised photos for products such as cosmetics, cleaning products, clothing (fashion photos), toys, sports accessories and many others. Each order for a session with models - is priced individually - to fit the client's guidelines - feel free to contact us for more information!

Jewellery photography - Photographs of jewellery, watches, diamonds
Fotografia biżuterii  pierścionek snapshot-studio polska

Jewellery product photography is one of the most demanding of all types of commercial photography. At Snapshot Studio, we have both the right equipment and a fully qualified team, which means that we are able to complete any jewellery photography assignment. Over the several years of our company's existence, we have completed photographs for virtually every type of jewellery and gemstone. Among our customers for whom we have taken jewellery photos are W.Kruk or Dallacqua. Being aware of how diverse jewellery can turn out to be, we approach each order individually, with the utmost care for every detail.

Architectural photography - Images of interiors, real estate, buildings

Fotografia architektury  salon Snapshot studio Polska

Professional real estate photography is dedicated to all those who want to present their interior as attractively as possible. We offer architectural photography to owners of hotels, flats, restaurants or even properties for sale or rent, among others. Based on many years' experience and high-quality equipment for architectural photography, we create unique photos that look great both on the Internet and in printed materials. Thanks to our work - many property owners have sold their flats - at a much higher profit and the accommodations for which we have taken photos - are very popular! Feel free to contact us for an offer!

Corporate photography - Business photography, image photography

Fotografia biznesowa konferencja snapshot studio Polska

Undoubtedly, one of the most important elements of any company, person or corporation is its image - both personal, brand and company-wide. In the age of the Internet - the saying "as they see you, so they write you" - is extremely relevant. Therefore, it is worth taking care of positive PR - by investing in professionally made image photos. At Snapshot Studio, we carry out business sessions in the studio (with any background colour) and on location. Our photo studio is located in Rybnik - Silesia, but we serve the whole of Poland. Feel free to contact us - don't hesitate and let us meet your clients!

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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