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Glossary of terms in the product and advertising photography studio

Introducing a glossary of terms - most commonly encountered in commercial and traditional photography in its broadest sense, and of course on our website :) 
We invite you to read it, comment and suggest new words that could be included! 

Glossary of terms in the product and advertising photography studio:

Blips - spots (usually dark in colour) created in photographs due to the reflection of light, inside the lens. Blips are most common in photographs of jewellery or metal/chrome elements.

Price list of advertising and product photography - price list of services provided by snapshot-studio.pl including indicative minimum prices. Information on where the final product price comes from can be found in the blog post.

Flatshot - product photograph of a garment taken flat on a mostly white background using artificial (studio) lighting. Flatshots are taken primarily for children's clothing and non-standard (oversized) clothing.

Image format - in the field of commercial photography, the image format is determined by the file format (JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.). 

Advertising photography - a branch of photography that focuses on presenting (advertising) a product in the most favourable light. Advertising photography very often uses various types of backgrounds and backgrounds to emphasise the character of the photographed product. Advertising photos usually require more professional and time-consuming retouching than traditionally taken product photos. Advertising photography is used in a variety of advertising materials and brochures, as well as on websites, e.g. as the main banner.

Product photography - a type of photography used primarily in online shops, on auction sites such as Allegro, Amazon or Ebay, and in catalogues and advertising magazines. Product photos are mostly taken against a white background, using studio lighting.

Fashion photography - a category of advertising photography based on the presentation of products on models. It focuses mainly on presenting clothes and fashion-related accessories (jewellery, accessories, shoes, etc.) Fashion photography is most often seen in colour magazines such as Vogue and is, at the same time, one of the most expensive fields of advertising photography. Preparing a fashion photograph requires proper preparation of the model and the setting. It is performed both in a photographic studio and outdoors.

Corporate photography / business photography - a section of photography focusing on business, companies and corporations in the broadest sense. It includes both business photographs taken for individuals in particular positions (boss / director / manager / employee, etc.) and photographs of office spaces or the work process itself.

Culinary photography - a type of commercial photography focusing on photographing food and baked goods in the process of their preparation or as finished dishes. It is used in culinary blogs, cookery books or menus in catering establishments. Both daylight and studio light are used for its implementation.

Image licence - a document issued by Snapshot-Studio.co.uk confirming the right to use images both online and in print. The photo licence is issued individually, after the order is completed.

Lookbook - a photo shoot of clothing or fashion-related products made for an entire collection (e.g. related to a given season). Lookbooks present the most characteristic motifs for a given collection and refer to the latest fashion trends.

Computer retouching - a process of professional "graphic processing" of a product photograph taken. It usually includes cleaning the product of any imperfections, cropping, tonal correction and work on the colour and shape of the product.

Stitching - a technique used by product retouchers that involves completely cutting out (stitching) a product from the background. The resulting photo can be placed on any background and is usually supplied in PNG format.

Packshot - a photograph of a product on a white background, taken in a photographic studio for use on the Internet (online shops, auction portals) and in print (catalogues, leaflets, brochures).

Fields of exploitation - for advertising/product images snapshot-studio.pl envisages using images in virtual space, saved in RGB format (for WEB), by default in 96dpi resolution and the size of the longer side amounting to 2600 px and for print - without embedded colour profiles in 300dpi resolution and the size of the longer side amounting to 4500 px

Portfolio - the entirety of the work, the completed product images presented in graphic form. At snapshot-studio.pl, the portfolio is presented in the form of a clear and user-friendly gallery.

Sample session - The service of taking test product photos at the beginning of an order. Test shots enable the selection of the most important arrangements, such as product positioning or perspective. This service is provided by snapshot-studio.pl - free of charge.

Snapshot - an English word that literally translates as snapshot, screenshot or simply photo.

Turnaround time - a timeframe calculated in working days, commencing upon confirmation of receipt of products and approval of images taken at a test session. The standard lead time is between 3 and 10 working days

Ghost photos - a photo of a garment taken on a so-called "invisible mannequin" - shows the product itself (without the model) as if it was dressed on a ghost. A product photograph taken in this way allows the customer to imagine how the item will look in reality.

Hanger photos - photos of garments presented on a hanger. A picture on a hanger can be presented flat or with a light filling combining the technology of ghost-type pictures

Flatlay - a photograph taken "from above" - colloquially from a bird's eye view. Flatlays are enormously popular on social media (Facebook / Instagram), among others. They are also very often used as web banners on the homepage.

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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