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How do you tell the difference between a professional product photographer and an amateur photographer?

How do you tell the difference between a professional product photographer and an amateur photographer?

It is becoming increasingly common to come across amateur product photographers who offer their services to take advertising images, without any prior experience or relevant skills. And although these offers can sometimes be tempting in terms of price, it is important to consider whether it is worth taking advantage of such a solution. What is the difference between a professional product photographer and an amateur? How can you recognise a true professional who has the experience and necessary skills to guarantee the highest quality of product photography?

tlum fotografow Snapshot studio fotografia produktowa

Product photographer's experience and skills

A professional product photographer is a person who can boast a wealth of experience and relevant qualifications and skills acquired during specialised studies, courses, thematic training or workshops on product photography, and later - during practical work. He has many successful assignments to his credit and a host of satisfied clients who can attest to his professionalism and the solid quality of his services.

Experience in product photography translates into the quality of the photos, so by commissioning such a task to a professional, we can be sure that the product photos made, e.g. photos for Amazon or Allegro, will increase traffic to the website, contribute to building a positive brand image and distinguish it from the competition, which will certainly translate into increased sales.

In the case of an amateur, on the other hand, it is difficult to talk about qualifications or experience, as such a person usually learns only while working on specific assignments. It is also unclear what sources an amateur photographer uses to expand his or her knowledge. There is always a risk involved in using his or her product photography services, in terms of safety, timeliness and, above all, the quality of the service provided. Amateur product photographers usually do not have the skills and practice that professionals can boast.

fotograf amator Snapshot studio fotografia produktowa

An attractive website

A professional photographer has an attractive, eye-catching showcase on the web, namely his website. A professional takes pride in his work and is happy to show off the results to potential clients. If the photographer you plan to work with does not have a website, you can be almost certain that you are dealing with an amateur who is just trying his hand at commercial photography.

atrakcyjna strona internetowaSnapshot studio fotografia produktowa

A well-built portfolio

A professional product photographer taking pictures of food, clothing, jewellery or other products boasts an extensive, properly built portfolio. A professional portfolio should include the best product photos, which vary in terms of subject, colour and frame. It is from these that we can judge whether the photographer has a good eye, and also learn about his or her style and photo processing skills. Amateurs usually do not have a well-structured, valuable portfolio on which to judge the quality of their photos.

atrakcyjne portfolio fotografa tlum fotografow Snapshot studio fotografia produktowa

Professional equipment and photographic studio

Good equipment is another aspect that distinguishes the professional from the amateur. A professional photographer is well aware that the key to high-quality, eye-catching product photography is not only skill, but also the right equipment. A professional takes advertising photos with a high-end camera, invests in the necessary lenses, tripods, lighting and many other photographic accessories to achieve the best possible effect.

Yes, amateurs can also invest in the purchase of better equipment, but they usually do not do so because it is simply not profitable for them to spend a lot of money on buying specialised equipment. After all, product photography is just a way for them to make extra money. Good equipment is one thing, but equally important is the ability to use professional equipment, to work with lenses and flash. Amateurs are not always able to use all the functions available on the camera. And this all translates into the quality of the photographs.

A product photographer takes catalogue, product and advertising photos in a professional photographic studio. Amateurs, on the other hand, usually take photographs in the comfort of their own home, in a self-built makeshift studio which is far from professional.

profesjonalny sprzet Snapshot studio fotografia produktowa

Creativity, sensitivity and aesthetic sense

A product photographer is a creative and sensitive person. A professional has a head full of ideas and knows well how to exploit the potential of the products being photographed. In addition, he sees and feels more than others. He or she is sensitive to beauty and has an aesthetic sense, which he or she is able to show in the photographs.

An amateur, on the other hand, can be recognised by the fact that he often falls into frame monotony and lacks interesting ideas. This makes the photographs taken dull, unremarkable and unattractive.

piekne aranzacje wykonane przez Snapshot studio fotografia produktowa

Advertising and product photography is our speciality. Therefore, if you care about professionalism and high quality of our services - do not hesitate to order a professional product or advertising session today. It will elevate your online shop, company catalogue or auctions on well-known websites to a completely different, definitely higher level.

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Założyciel, Fotograf, Retuszer, Grafik
Ponad 10 letnie doświadczenie w fotografii komercyjnej, retuszu komputerowym oraz projektowaniu. Pierwsza linia w kontakcie telefonicznym i mailowym. W pracy - perfekcjonistka pod każdym względem :)
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