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Product photography in the age of pandemic - How coronavirus is affecting E-commerce

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a great many changes in everyday life. It has changed how we work, how we rest, how we study and how we...shop. 

As very many stationary shops have temporarily closed, people have started to buy online en masse. It is not only clothes or shoes that we are increasingly - and somewhat compulsively - buying online. Everyday grocery shopping and errands involving other necessities can also easily be done online.

The popularity of online shopping

Many retailers and shopkeepers who had not previously even thought about selling products online have had to rethink and revise their strategy. For quite a number of entrepreneurs, this solution has sometimes become the only way to survive difficult times. Of course, moving your entire business online is not easy, but it is certainly worth the effort, as it allows you - colloquially speaking - to stay afloat, and sometimes even thrive and gain completely new perspectives. What is required to create an attractive online shop? Of course, favourable prices are important, but it must be borne in mind that customers usually buy with their eyes, so professional product and advertising photography is absolutely essential. Only by presenting your products and the products you offer in a modern way that meets the expectations of today's customers, who are used to buying online, can you be competitive.
Packshoty w E-commerce

Why are product images so important?

To understand why good quality catalogue images are so important, it is enough to put oneself in the shoes of the customer. Deprived of the opportunity to see the products they are interested in in person, they will look online for offers that present the item in as much detail as possible. Whether it be pictures of clothing, watches or food, product photography must be very professionally done. It is not only about making the customer's choice easier, but also about safeguarding the seller's own interests. After all, it is not difficult to imagine that if the actual appearance of the product is far from how it was presented in the photograph, the consumer will have a legitimate grievance against the seller and will have every right to demand a refund. Product photography is all about imitating a live product experience as closely as possible. Hence the popularity of different types of shots, such as ghost images or 360° photographs, which show the item from all sides and different perspectives. 

What are the requirements for product photography?

If you run your own online shop, you have much more freedom when it comes to creating product photography. The owner can decide for himself how best to display the goods on offer and whether traditional packshots on a white background or arranged photos with a rich, varied background will work better. However, if you decide to promote your offers via popular auction sites and online shops, you must be aware that the product photos posted there must meet strict requirements specified by the sites. This applies in particular to photos uploaded to Amazon, the world's largest online shop. This standardisation of the nature of the photos has a profound justification. In this way, all sellers have an equal chance of gaining the attention of potential customers and, in addition, the service provides the highest possible level of customer service. Professional photo studios and experienced photographers are familiar with the requirements of the various sales portals, so it makes sense to use their services if you are planning to launch sales via such sites.  
Fotografia produktowa na Amazon

Online sales are the future

It is currently difficult to predict how consumer tastes and habits will change once the world has dealt with the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are many indications that online shopping will continue to be very popular, as many people have found that it is a safe way to shop and saves a lot of valuable time. In addition, many shops have made it even more convenient for their customers by offering, for example, cheaper delivery or by restocking their stock to such an extent that the availability of goods is not a problem at all. The future of online shops, provided they are well run and able to meet the ever-increasing demands of their audience, has a bright future. In order to make their visual side the best possible showcase and attract the attention of a multitude of potential customers, it is worth working with a professional photo studio. Beautiful photos really can make a difference and convince the unconvinced to choose one offer over another.   

#Fotografia w pandemii#Covid a e-commerce#Koronawirus#Packshoty#Zdjęcia do Amazon#Zdjęcia do Allegro
Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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