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Is it worth selling on Amazon?

Is it worth selling them on Amazon?

The short answer is: Yes! However, in order to enter into a profitable partnership with this global online sales giant, there are some important things to consider, especially in relation to your customers' shopping preferences. The benefits of selling your products through Amazon are truly numerous. There is a reason why so many entrepreneurs from all over the world take advantage of this opportunity.

Huge customer base

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. We repeat: THE WORLD'S LARGEST ONLINE SHOP. What does this mean? It is a way to reach a large number of potential customers whose interest would be difficult to attract in any other way. The examples of many small businesses that started with Amazon and achieved spectacular increases in turnover in a short time show that it is worth getting involved.

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Low costs for the entrepreneur

You usually have to pay a lot for good quality advertising with broad reach. Such additional costs do not have to be borne by entrepreneurs who cooperate with Amazon. This is particularly beneficial for those companies that are just starting out. Monthly fees amount to an expense of around EUR 40 and a fixed percentage of sales. The entrepreneur does not have to worry about the cost of renting premises, paying utilities, equipping the office or hiring employees. Also gone is the worry and effort of setting up an online shop, writing rules and regulations, organising categories in the shop or integrating a payment system. When selling on Amazon, the entrepreneur receives a ready-made template and can quickly get started. And in business - as we all know - time is money. The portal is very secure, so the entrepreneur does not have to worry about payments or hacking attacks.

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Great simplification in goods shipment and customer service

Traders who choose to work with Amazon's portal have to deliver their goods to the company's warehouses, where they are packed and shipped to customers. This service, called Fulfillment by Amazon, means that sellers benefit themselves. They don't have to worry about stocking the goods, or possible returns or exchanges. All this is taken on by Amazon. Amazon is also responsible for exchanging correspondence with customers and answering all kinds of queries about the product range.

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Keeping in-house work to a minimum

A very attractive prospect for all entrepreneurs who want a business relationship with Amazon is that they really only need a computer with internet access to run their business. Neither an office nor a warehouse for goods is needed, and all the work involved in ordering and moving products from warehouse to warehouse can be done 100% remotely. This saves a lot of time and nerves, and the whole sales process runs smoothly and efficiently.

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What do you need to bear in mind when selling on Amazon?

However, to make things less colourful, you also need to bear in mind that there is a lot of competition on Amazon. You need to be able to target your customers' tastes, needs and abilities to ensure you sell at the right level. Not all products are equally popular. It is worth remembering not to put heavily seasonal items for sale on Amazon that are in short demand. This is because it can mean that if you don't manage to sell the goods in the planned timeframe, you will still need to stock them, and this means fixed costs after all.

Experts recommend that the price of goods sold via Amazon should be between €20 and €40. Customers of this online shop are more inclined to make purchases that do not overstretch their household budget.

If you wish to set up a shop on Amazon, you should also be aware that the portal requires you to adhere to strict rules for product presentation. Images and descriptions must comply with the guidelines developed by the giant. This allows the site to maintain the highest quality of customer service and build trust among its audience, on which Amazon has built its power.

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Why hire a professional photographer for a product shoot?

High competition is one of the biggest challenges facing companies running their online shops under the Amazon banner. In order to be able to reach potential customers more effectively and capture their attention, they need to ensure that the products they offer are presented in the most attractive way possible. This is where professional photo studios come in handy. It is worth entrusting a product shoot to professionals, as they not only have the right equipment and workshop, but are also perfectly aware of the requirements and recommendations for what and how to present it on Amazon. Professional packshots require considerable skill, and this is provided by photographers with experience in product photography.   

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