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Product copywriting - how to write good text that sells a product?

Do you run an online shop or sell products on popular auction sites such as Allegro, Ebay or Amazon? Wondering what you can do to maximise sales of your products and services? Find out what the magic trio of selling online is. We invite you to read the article!

What is product copywriting really? In a stationary shop, it is the salesperson who is responsible for the presentation of products - he or she presents the product to you in the most favourable light possible, extols its advantages, talks about its functionality, explains its technical specifications and the principle of its operation. In an online shop or at a sales auction, it is the product description that is the seller's role. It is the description, combined with a good product photo, that mainly determines the final purchase decision of the customer. So how do you write a good text that will sell your product?

What should an eye-catching product description look like?

First and foremost, it should be written in language that is as colloquial and understandable as possible - for people. Often (especially in very technical industries) the text is written in the language of 'specialists'. Of course, there is no problem at all if a second specialist - who knows the language of the industry - is interested in the purchase - but this is strongly narrowing the target audience, which the seller certainly does not care about!

Another aspect is the use of so-called "benefit language", i.e. a subtle (the customer must not have the impression that you want to sell him the product/service by force) presentation of the advantages, distinguishing the goods from the competition.  

Shop 1:

Men's cotton T-shirt, in green, available in sizes XS, S, M, L and XL. T-shirt from the new collection with sports and everyday wear. Check out our new, even lower price!

Shop 2:

Men's t-shirt made of 100% organic, skin-friendly organic cotton, perfectly absorbing moisture. The combination of sporty and casual style makes the T-shirt extremely versatile and the unique green colour, is the most popular colour this summer! Get noticed!

Shop 2 has used benefit language in its description. Both retailers advertise the same product, made of the same materials, from the same manufacturer. What is the most significant difference? Shop 2's salesperson was able to spot and point out advantages that his competitors had not thought of!

Ensure visibility!

In an age of ubiquitous and ever-increasing competition, it is no longer enough just to have the correct product text that encourages the customer to buy. Even the best written description won't sell the product if the customer doesn't come across it... And how do you improve the visibility of your products in google search? Firstly, make sure you have a good headline, preferably using H1 or H2 and including a relevant keyword, e.g. "men's organic cotton t-shirt". In addition, it is a good idea to use internal linking that refers the customer to a specific place on the page (e.g. delivery information) - Google "likes" internal links and be sure to include alt attributes (text describing the image - preferably also containing the keyword) in the product images.

Search engine ranking is also affected by the uniqueness of the content - Google effectively disregards all duplicates - so copying text directly from the manufacturer will not be a good solution.

The magic trio!

The magic trio to guarantee top-level product sales is:

Good and thoughtful text
Professional product photography
Brand recognition and image

Remember to take equal care of all 3 aspects above, don't neglect any of them and the popularity (and therefore sales) of your products will surely increase!
At Snapshot-Studio.co.uk, we provide a consultancy service in the field of online marketing and sales techniques using product images throughout the duration of the cooperation. If you are interested in bringing the magic trio of product copywriting, professional product photography and brand recognition to your online shop - contact us!

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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